Josie Davila contacted the Latino Center to find out if anybody is willing to present a workshop in Spanish. Please contact her if you would like to participate or have more information:
From: Josefina Davila []
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 1:31 PM
To: Cantu, Carlos
Subject: Fwd: Presentation Proposal Form
Mr. Cantu, it was a pleasure talking to you and here is the email from Ms. DeLong from Prairie State. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Julie DeLong
Date: December 16, 2009 9:09:54 AM CST
To: Josefina Davila
Subject: Presentation Proposal Form
Hello Josie,
Thank you so very much for speaking with me today and for identifying presenters for the March 26, 2010 conference taking place at Prairie State College.
Prairie State College is working in partnership with the Good Shepherd Center to plan
their 19th Annual Parent Institute Day. This is a one day conference for teachers, daycare providers and parents that focuses on presentations related to children's issues. We are in the process of identifying Spanish speaking presenters for
our breakouts sessions. Presenters are all volunteers - i.e. no fees are paid to presenters, but they do receive free conference registration, breakfast and lunch. Traditional attendance has been 300 people.
There are 4 different topic tracks we are focusing on and are looking for presentations on any of these topic areas:
1. Relationship Development - how to enhance the relationship you have with a child as a parent, teacher or mentor
2. Special Needs_ - topics related to children with autism, ADD, down syndrome, developmental delays, speech issues, etc.
3. Ages and Stages - topics related to a specific age group and their development from toddlers to teenagers
4. Health and Wellness - kids nutritional needs, fitness, mental health, etc.
If you are interested in submitting a presentation for review, attached please find a presenter proposal form. We are asking for proposal forms to be faxed to the number at the bottom of the form by Friday, December 18, 2009.
Thank you!
Julie DeLong, CPP
Coordinator of Continuing Professional Education
Prairie State College
202 South Halsted Street
Chicago Heights, Il 60411
Phone: (708) 709 - 7919
Fax: (708) 709 - 7832
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