United States Hispanic Leadership Institute
21st Century Leaders
Summer Internship Program Application
Summer 2010
Program Description: The 21st Century Leaders Summer Internship is a ten (10) week program that promotes grassroots community organizing and leadership development in key impact areas. The 21st Century Leaders Summer Internship Program will provide students with an opportunity to observe the dynamics of social change by working with leaders and elected officials in their community, registering voters, and attending public policy seminars presented by local, county, state and federal officials. Also, students will learn how to develop valuable communication and organizational skills.
The student dedicates ten weeks to reaching his/her goal of registering 1000 new or restored voters, primarily Latino. The student must also continue to maintain contact with his/her supervisor at least once a week. The internship requires a mandatory training in Chicago, Illinois, May 28-30, 2010. The internship program will officially begin May 31, 2010 and concludes August 6, 2010. The student must commit to the two (2) days of orientation/training and ten (10) uninterrupted weeks of the internship in order to be considered.
Requirements: Applicants must be high school graduates or college students enrolled for fall of 2010 at an accredited 2 or 4-year College or University, be in good academic standing, and demonstrate involvement in either campus or community organizations. Preference will be given to students who are excellent self-starters and can work independently. Students must also submit a 2-page paper about their past experience with voter registration, community involvement or leadership skills. A one-on-one interview is also required. If selected, a contract must be signed, which certifies that the intern understands the requirements, program expectations and the basis upon which compensation will be received. Interns are also required to maintain weekly telephone contact with the Chicago office and submit a weekly progress report.
Compensation: Interns will receive a $2,500 stipend for the ten (10) week program. Interns will be paid $500 every two weeks based on their ability to fulfill the required expectations.
Application Deadline: The complete application must be postmarked by April 16, 2010. The application is not considered complete until all required information is received. Mail all requirements listed to: USHLI, 431 S. Dearborn, Suite 1203, Chicago, IL 60605.
The application will be considered complete when all the requested information is received. The complete application includes:
1. ___ The attached Data Form
2. ___ Two page essay about your past leadership experience and community involvement
3. ___ Resume, including activities and membership in organizations
4. ___ One (1) letter of recommendation
5. ___ Academic Transcript
For More Information: Contact the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute at (312) 427-8683.
United States Hispanic Leadership Institute
21st Century Leaders
Summer Internship Program Application
Summer 2010
Please complete this data form by providing all the information requested below. The Data Form is only one part of the application. The application will be complete when the data form and the following three (4) items are received:
1. ___ Two page essay about your past leadership experience and community involvement;
2. ___ Resume, including activities and membership in organizations;
3. ___ One (1) letter of recommendation
4. ___ Academic Transcript
(First) (MI) (Last)
Major Graduation Date
Date of Birth Soc. Sec. #
Current Mailing Address: Permanent Mailing Address:
Primary Phone Number: Permanent Phone Number:
( ) ( )
In Case of Emergency, please notify:
Name Relation
Address Phone Number:
( )
My signature indicates that this information and all attached materials are correct and that I wish to be considered for the USHLI 21st Century Leaders Summer Internship Program.
Signature: Date: